ASR by high flowrate filtration for improved water management
november 25th, 2019 Enabling aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) [...]
microLAN contributed to IWA publishing Microbiological Sensors for the Drinking Water
januari 20th, 2019 IWA recently published an overview of [...]
microLAN starts partnership with Ayyeka for data communication
mei 7th, 2018 microLAN recently started to work together [...]
microLAN Pilots Water Technology at UNLV Through WaterStart
mei 3rd, 2018 See here a publication of a [...]
Aquavalens report on the microLAN system performance (river water)
Since a cultivation step is needed for the detection [...]
UN camp Mali has drinking water directly from wastewater
maart 1st, 2018 High-tech water cycle in the desert [...]