microLAN partner of EU project AquaNES
microLAN is proud to be one of the partners of de AquaNES EU project. Joep Appels, director of microLAN is partner of the consortium of AquaNES. (Start: June 2016 End: May 2019)
AquaNES will catalyze innovations in water and waste water treatment processes and management through improved combinations of natural and engineered components.
The project focuses on 13 demonstration sites in Europe, India and Israel covering a representative range of regional, climatic, and hydro geological conditions. Among the demonstrated solutions are natural treatment processes such as bank filtration (BF), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and constructed wetlands (CW) plus engineered pre- and post-treatment options.
The AquaNES consortium assembles at partnership of (waste)water utilities, SMEs and industries as well as high level academic partners and research institutes from seven European countries, Israel and India, representing a good balance along a technology innovation value chain.
Our SME’s and industries provide existing and new pre- or post-treatment technologies, monitoring devices or software tools which are integrated by water utilities in combined natural and engineered treatment schemes to demonstrate and validate the treatment efficacy of the combined system. The close collaboration with partnering water utilities will speed-up the deployment of successfully operating combined treatment processes. See our partners.
AquaNES specific objectives are
- to demonstrate the benefits of post-treatment options such as membranes, activated carbon and ozonation after bank filtration for the production of safe drinking water
- to validate the treatment and storage capacity of soil-aquifer systems in combination with oxidative pre-treatments
- to demonstrate the combination of constructed wetlands with different technical post- or pre-treatment options (ozone or bioreactor systems) as a waste water treatment option
- to evidence reductions in operating costs and energy consumption
- to test a robust risk assessment framework for cNES
- to deliver design guidance for cNES informed by industrial or near-industrial scale experiences
- to identify and profile new market opportunities in Europe and overseas for cNES
Visit for more information.