microLAN partner of LIFE PHOENIX, an European consortium developing innovative cost-effective multibarrier treatments for reusing water for agricultural irrigation

microLAN is proud to be a partner of the LIFE PHOENIX consortium, which is an european LIFE project aiming to solve wastewater reuse issue in Europe. For that purpose, low-cost innovative technologies for wastewater agricultural reuse are tested, proposing adapted solutions to different case studies.
LIFE Phoenix develops innovative solutions for urban wastewater regeneration for agricultural purposes, adapted to every kind of WWTP. A demonstrative plant has been designed with more than 12 different technologies, considering a flexible concept. A decision support system (DSS) shows the best solution to be implemented in each WWTP. MicroLAN focuses on the online monitoring of pathogens, specifically E.coli, BOD, TSS and turbidity of the treated wastewater
The project also includes a replicability analysis. For this analysis, wastewater reuse in the province of Almeria will be studied. This activity will not only provide information of the local incidence of wastewater reuse, but valuable data to be extrapolated to the EU. Several WWTP will be evaluated among them El Bobar WWTP and El Toyo WWTP to name a few.
The objectives of the LIFE PHOENIX project are:
Better use of natural resources: Installation of LIFE PHOENIX technologies in a WWTP means the reduction of the effluents thanks to the agricultural use of reclaimed water. Therefore, fresh waterconsumption for irrigation would decrease, relieving stress over this natural resource. Furthermore, nutrient recovery technologies would lead to the change of conventional fertilizers to more sustainable options, minimizing associated contamination.
High quality reclaimed water: LIFE PHOENIX project produces reclaimed water for agricultural use, meeting the new European Directive 2020/741. The project also aims to reduce the concentration of contaminants of emergent concern in water, as well as microplastics. That way, LIFE PHOENIX ensures the production of high-quality water, safe for human health and for the environment.
Sustainable production of reclaimed water: Reduction of energy demand of tertiary treatments is guaranteed by the optimization of technologies and by the adaptation of the solutions in each case. This would lead to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the reduction of costs and resources would ensure the replicability of the project.
For more information visit: https://life-phoenix.eu/
Flexible Pilot Plants (FPP) has been designed for both large-medium and small populations. Therefore, the project takes place in different locations.
Solutions for large-medium populations:
El Toyo WWTP (Almeria, ES)
Almonte WWTP (Huelva, ES)
Fonte Quente WWTP (Abrantes, PT)
Solutions for small populations:
El Toyo WWTP (Almeria, ES)
Talavera de la Reina WWTP (Toledo, ES)